Here are all the activities produced by the project’s partners, and suitable to be tested in classrooms. The division of the activities is for age groups 0-2 years old, 3-4 years old and 5-6 Years old
Activities for 0-2 years old children
The activities are based on natural elements for single or group of children


Group of children without nature elements (group of 5 members)



Group of children without nature elements (group of 5 members)

Activities for 3-4 years old children
The activities are based on robotics and without robots for single or a group of children

Follow the rhythm

Follow the rhythm

Follow the rhythm

Follow the rhythm

Recycling Game

Recycling Game

Hansel and Gretel, finding your way home

Hansel and Gretel, finding your way home
Group of children without Robot Recycling games (group of 5 members)

Hansel and Gretel, finding your way home
Group of children with Robot Recycling games (group of 5 members)

Story of a snail

Story of a snail

Story of a snail

Shape Patterns

Shape Patterns

Shape Patterns

Shape Patterns

Shapes and Colors

Shapes and Colors

Shapes and Colors

Shapes and Colors

Animals and baby animals

Animals and baby animals

Where is an apple?

Where is an apple?

Spring grasslands in the nursery yard

Spring grasslands in the nursery yard

Write your name by using magnets
Activities for 5-6 years old children
The activities are based on robotics and without robots for single or a group of children

The symmetry of the butterfly

The symmetry of the butterfly

Clock Clock!

Clock Clock!

Clock Clock!

Dance with the cards

Dance with the cards

Dance with the cards

Dance with the cards

Formation of entities

Formation of entities

Formation of entities

Formation of entities

Keep in mind!

Keep in mind!

Keep in mind!

Keep in mind!

Recycle the material

Recycle the material

Recycle the material

Recycle the material

Uppercase and lowercase letters

Uppercase and lowercase letters

Name the tree

Name the tree

Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers

Classification of geometric figures

Classification of geometric figures

Classification of geometric figures

Counting Fruits

Counting Fruits

Counting Fruits

A trip to the capital

Climbing robot