Pearl testing and piloting activities
Pearl project's experimental activities
Pearl School Network
One of the main objectives of PEARL is the creation of an international network of teachers, experts, and institutions for the promotion of innovative and quality education in early childhood…
PEARL First Multiplier Event 01/06/2020 Italy
1 Multiplier event - Italy , June 01.2020
PEARL second Multiplier event – Ankara 11/06/2021
2 Pearl Multiplier event - Ankara
Output 01 – Modelo del enfoque Pedagógico de PEARL
The educational model for early childhood education that will be experimented and scientifically validated by the European project Erasmus + KA 201 PEARL “Emotional Empathic Proximal Learning Educational Environment” derives…
Output 02 – training modules
The training for educators and pedagogues working in early education (0 - 6 years old), is a fundamental moment to ensure the implementation of the educational model in the interested…
Output 04 – Assessment tool e validation
The validation of the PEARL model is central to the objectives of the project itself. The creation of an adequate experimental design was therefore particularly important to provide a reliable…
Producto 05 – Conjunto de herramientas de actividades educativas
The Toolkit of Educational activities have been created by the teachers participating to the training courses and to the validation phase. The teachers have developed these educational activities starting form…
Resultado O6- Proyecto PEARL- Libro Blanco
New Applied and Validated Educational Approaches and Model for Early Childhood Education 0-6 years old
Pearl Training course
„EMOTIONAL EMPATHIC PROXIMAL LEARNING EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT, PEARL“ Grant Agreement No. Nr. 2018-1-IT02-KA201-048515 Free European Online Project’s Training course The Erasmus+ KA201 project PEARL “Emotional Empathic Proximal Learning-Educational Environment” is a…
Alla Ricerca di un metodo progettazione didattica in funzione formativa
l dipartimento Ricerc-azione della rete del Polo Europeo della Conoscenza organizza un corso di formazione gratuito per insegnanti sopratutto ma non esclusivamente della scuola primaria . Il maestro Giulio De…
Incontro con Alberto Oliverio – Il cervello che impara
Il cervello che impara. Neuropedagogia dall'infanzia alla vecchiaia
Italiano – Kit 2 fase sperimentazione 5 / 6 anni
Kit 2 phase piloting 3 / 4 years old - In English
Italiano – Kit 2 fase sperimentazione 3 / 4 anni
Kit 2 phase piloting 3 / 4 years old - In English
English – Kit 1 phase piloting 0 / 2 years old
Kit 1 phase piloting 0 / 2 years old - In English
English – Kit 2 phase piloting 3 / 4 years old
Kit 2 phase piloting 3 / 4 years old - In English
English – Kit 2 phase piloting 5 / 6 years old
Kit 2 phase piloting 5 / 6 years old - In English
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