Distinguished Educators and Researchers,  International PEARL Project Conference will be held on June 11, 2021, within the scope of PEARL “Emotional Empathic Proximal Learning-Educational Environment” Project (2018-1-IT02-KA201-048515), of which Gazi University is a project partner, conducted within the scope of the European Union Erasmus + Strategic partnership. The project is carried out under the coordination of Italy (Polo Europeo della Conoscenza), in partnership with Italy (Clementoni), Turkey (Gazi University), Spain (Consejería de Educación de La Junta de Castilla y León) and Lithuania (Panevezio Rajono Svietimo Centras). The aim of the PEARL Project is to develop an innovative, reproducible and internationally valid education model. 7 people, three from abroad and four from Turkey as speakers, and 15 people from abroad as listeners will attend the conference having international participation to be held within the framework of the project.  The conference will be held online and face-to-face in a hybrid model and the face-to-face sessions will be held at Gazi University, Mimar Kemaleddin Hall. Participation in the conference is free. Participants who attend the conference face-to-face or online will receive a certificate of attendance. To obtain a certificate of attendance, the audience must register for the conference. As online sessions are limited to a certain number of people, those who register will be sent a link to join online.

For those who want to attend the conference, the registration link is here:

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